Biggest Sale of the year!
PubGuru University
Black Friday Sale!
Looking to increase your Ad Ops knowledge? Having trouble with learning AdSense? Google Ad Manager? Google AdX?
Earn certifications in all of Google's Publisher Products.
Now is the best time of the year to enroll in PubGuru University!
Earn certifications in all of Google's Publisher Products.
Now is the best time of the year to enroll in PubGuru University!
PGU Black Friday Deal Center
We've discounted all of our Ad Ops courses for Black Friday!
School of AdSense
Just getting the hang of AdSense? We put together the most comprehensive course on the market today to help you learn this powerful Ad platform.
Use Coupon CM2020 at Checkout!
Use Coupon CM2020 at Checkout!
School of GAM
Are you lost inside Google Ad Manager? You're not the first to be intimidated by GAM. We guide you through every single facet of the best ad server. Earn your certificate today!
Use Coupon CM2020 at Checkout!
Use Coupon CM2020 at Checkout!
School of AdX
Want to get more revenue from AdX? There's many different rules to setup that can trip up even the most experienced Ad Ops users. See how to take your AdX skills to the next level!
Use Coupon CM2020 at Checkout!
Use Coupon CM2020 at Checkout!
One low price.
All 3 courses!
Want to rapidly improve your Ad Ops skills? Get all 3 courses with our special bundle discount and earn certifications in School of AdSense, School of GAM & School of AdX for our lowest ever price!
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